Courses-Tour Photo Lake Bracciano
We decided to offer courses-photographic tours, an interesting way to discover the territory of Bracciano and surroundings.
The courses will be taught by professional photographer Nico Martial.

The Photo-tour of Bracciano's Lake starts in the morning. You can also Reserve your photoshop lesson with professional and detailed analysis of your photos

Courses-Tour Photo 
You can propose and decide other photographic itineraries together with Nico.

The cost is Euro 100,00 for person / minimum two people
Book your Courses-Tour Photo during your holidays in Bracciano and discover the splendid territories of Bracciano and surroundings:
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DETAILED PROGRAM: Walk playful photographic
for lovers of photography and nature. It includes a nature trail to discover the gastronomic territory recognizing the various peculiarities, with the observation of flora and fauna, wild plants and tall trees. But also the discovery of local produce. In photography, we'll explore the topics of the natural landscape and macro photography, with lessons explanatory exhaustive shooting techniques.

The program:
Wake up before sunrise, shooting by the lake of Bracciano at about 8.30 briffing coffee at bar Grand'Italia. Departure for a route direction Tolfa, advancing on the road to discover the area by performing various shooting stop depending on the emotion of the landscape that appears to our eyes. Check in Tolfa to the approximately 12.00 supply food and drinks, going out to sea lunch break of about an hour and a half at the spa spontaneous Bagnarello with attached spa bath. It discusses the nature and photography immersed in nature and photography. !!!! Continue towards the sea route through the mountains of Tolfa with various shooting stop depending on the emotion of the landscape. arrival at the Castle of S. Severa where waiting for the sunset over the sea will exchange opinions and emotions of the day !!! Reserve your photoshop lesson with professional and detailed analysis of your photos.
Cost of the day € 100,00 per person (minimum two people)

Nico Marziali: Sensible, curious, indefatigable traveler. He has crossed continents realizing numerous reports published by major monthly and weekly. He has also worked with leading advertising agencies making print campaigns for prestigious companies. Always and passionately dedicated to fine art photography, his works in limited editions, are present in public and private collections in Italy and abroad.

Photo: Nico Martiali